Wednesday, April 22, 2020

10 most important Rules in graphics designs .

 "Life isn't about finding yourself ,is it  about creating yourself" so follows these rules -

  • Create  balance  between colors and  your design.
  • Choose simple and attractive colors.
  • Avoid using multiple colors in your design.
  •  Using custom fonts and make sure about customers satisfaction.
  •  Never copy others designs,create own  ideas and make sure yourself your are  unique .
  • keep target audience  before designing  anything.
  • Start  your design with good ideas and make  your design long- lasting.
  • Build up your ideas and  show your creativity.
  • Avoid  extra effects make simple,clean and unique design. because quality is first priority .
  • Keep balance between  texture, fonts, colors contrast and lines.                                                                                                                                                                                              "  Every  good designs creating their own focus on our designs and let you designs breath and create your own ideas..."

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